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Request an Item Valuation

Step 1: Tell us about your items

Complete one form for each item for us to review

Step 2: Upload Photos and Documents

Documents are optional, but we’ll need at least three photographs of each item

Step 3: Review and Submit

Submit items for review and we’ll be in touch soon

Thinking of Selling?

If you are considering entering something into auction and would like a valuation you can send the details, with images where possible and we will happily give you an appraisal, subject to inspection.

We also offer free, confidential advice and valuations for prospective sellers by appointment in our auction house, alternatively, you can call us on 02890456404 or email the details to [email protected] We also travel throughout Ireland and Great Britain to appraise large collections or valuable single items.


The value of antiques, art and collectables can increase as well as decrease, often without the owner being aware of such changes in the marketplace. In today’s climate it is important to have an up-to-date valuation of one’s possessions for many reasons. Very often valuable pieces can be simply lumped in with ordinary contents in a general household insurance policy. If a claim arises this can cause immense problems in obtaining a reasonable level of recompense, so it is best practice to have a professional valuation carried out and reviewed every three to five years. Insuring high-risk items at their true value is important and will ensure that you are adequately covered in the event of loss or damage. With well over a four decades of experience Bloomfield Auctions are expert at the appraisal of fine art, antiques and collectables for insurance purposes, from single items to complete collections. We act for many public, semi-state and corporate bodies as well as private collectors, large and small and can tailor our valuations to your specific needs. Bloomfield Auctions can offer a personal, confidential, professional and discreet service made to order.


Apart from Insurance, one of the most common reasons for seeking a valuation is the death of a loved one, relative or close friend. We have worked closely with legal professionals in this area over the years, providing probate valuations at all levels of complexity. Bloomfield Auctions valuation services can help complete things in a timely and effective way providing generalised or detailed inventories and valuations for the purpose of finalising a deceased estate.

Family Division

We also offer valuation services for family division. Sadly it is often necessary to divide a collection or property within a family, an exercise which is often fractious. We offer a professional and independent service that can help make these difficult situations easier, carried out in complete confidence.

Our reasonable valuation fees are discussed and agreed in advance and are normally worked out on a time basis.